We Can’t Cure Rett Syndrome Without You

Research for a Rett cure needs funding, and virtually 100% of RSRT’s funding comes through families who take action. Crowdfunding on RSRT’s RettGive platform is one of the easiest and most effective ways to raise money for a cure. You can start a campaign from anywhere in the world, and we’ll support you through every step.

Setting up a RettGive campaign is easy. Provide us with a few basic materials and we’ll get your campaign set up quickly. Then engage your family and friends in the Rett research mission by sharing your campaign page on social media, via email, or however you communicate with your community and networks.

RettGive is the crowdfunding platform for RSRT, so your supporters will know they’re giving to a respected and recognized nonprofit organization. Funds you raise come directly to RSRT.